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Maybe you followed my 18 year old self over from Club New City? Or, maybe you found me on Twitter or perhaps a Google search for "Hot Teen Models"? :)

However you found me, I am excited you are here!

Join me inside for Live Video Chats, meet my friends, read my blog, but mostly to have some fun with me!

I have lots of pictures and some very hot videos for you, what are you waiting for?


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July, 11, 2021

IMPORTANT ~ Site Announcments ~ PLEASE READ

July, 11, 2021

IMPORTANT ~ Site Announcments ~ PLEASE READ

Hello to my amazing fans <3 I hope you all had an amazing 4th of July! 

It is with heavy hearts I must announce that it looks like the end of Lolasfriends is coming sooner than I had hoped.

I would like to ask of you all to please go ahead and cancel your subscriptions, this way you are not charged further for the site. All the information and explanation will be in this blog post. You can stick around if you'd like to download as much of the content you can.
This site will be put into archive mode; meaning you can still sign up to access all the content that will be available for download. 
I am very sad about this choice I have to make, if I had it my way I'd be able to provide the content I have for everyone for as long as I have. Unfortunately I do not have the means to run this the way it was.
To be completely honest, my site has kinda been dying for quite sometime. I've been trying different ways to resurrect it, but nothing seems to show much results. :( From recruiting new models, camming for members here and potential ones,
shooting with other producers, networking with models and studios, all the way down to promoting myself in new ways. 

With the rise of platforms like Onlyfans, models are very focused and utilizing it as there main source of income, the pandemic also got more models on that platform with the ability to work from home.
While this is great! and benefits many models, it has made it increasingly harder to get models to shoot for my site, even if I pay them. I put out ads on SexyJobs, scouted on Myfreecams, gone to networking events out of my comfort zone, and have even rekindled old friendships, but a lot of models focus is on owning their content, monetizing it themselves and creating their own fanbase. Onlyfans is very simple for models to use and is constantly working on staying up to date. Even ModelCentro (the hosting for my site) has acknowledged the rise of things like premium snapchat, and Onlyfans, shifting their focus from Modelcentro to Fancentro, and dropping features on Modelcentro in the process. This is the exact reason that Live shows are no more on my site, Modelcentro dropped their contract with Streammate's services, to apply more focus 
to Fancentro. Time's are changing, and change is hard. This is why I started to cam on Myfreecams, to offer live shows to my fans on here and create new ones. 

This where honesty comes in, and I have to be honest with myself. These last few months, have been especially hard for me working with my site. I had some drastic life changes, which reflected onto my business. There has only been about 12 members for the past 6 months on my site. I'm very happy and blessed to have you guys here <3 You guys literally mean so much too me. All my fans throughout the years are why I've put so much work, blood, sweat, and tears into this site. Unfortunately, as a business, this isn't enough to keep things operating as normal. My business partner has stepped away for various reasons, but the main being;
it is more in than out. In regard to time, money into the shoots, equipment, resources, etc. I understand their decision completely and hold no grudge, we are still friends :) This has made it harder for me to have the means of production. Having and knowing how to use the lights, cameras, editing software, powerful computer, access to models, etc. If you haven't noticed, the last updates have been selfie sets and videos, which is a steep difference
between professionally produced content.

I also had a new partner come into play but that didn't work out for very long. This was the small access I had in the last few months, to my own equipment, computers, software, camming while I was, even male talent.  We just came to a disagreement and decided after trying to work things out different ways, it wasn't going to work out. I hold no grudge against this person either :) I understand, as they did invest a lot to help me be able to do all these things on my own. I am grateful. I'm grateful for all the help I've received in trying to keep lolasfriends alive, from professionals, all the way to the members who have supported me. <3 So, with that being said, this is why things have been produced on a cell phone lately and not professionally. I can not afford to pay models and a photographer, as well as getting a Airbnb or hotel to make the content in. That is the hard truth. This last Airbnb trip I have talked about and made selfie sets in was not setup or paid for by me. It was my first time meeting the photographer who shot collaborations between us models, agreed to use on 
Onlyfans. This is what I meant about the focus of other models, they are very focused on Onlyfans and not very interested in being a featured model on a site nowadays, but again, this is perfectly ok! I understand more 

So now it is just me, making content on my phone. I'm learning, studying and playing with cameras and new equipment hoping to master it one day. The issue with that is it's hard to be the photographer and the subject at the same time. Seeing as I only have access to using my phone and producing myself, it seems sorta... wrong, to have you guys here paying as much as you do when professionally produced content and featured model content  is not looking to be something obtainable in the near future. It only feels right to, let you guys know exactly what is going on. You're my biggest supporters, my drive! This isn't easy for me... I never pictured my site  lasting for over 4 years, and I wanted to keep it going as much as I could. I just feel wrong, I feel like I'm ripping you off. I don't really shoot Boy/ Girl content anymore, which I'm sure some of you have noticed. I don't get much feedback on here, so I'm unsure of what drew people in specifically; my personality, my looks, a certain video, things I was doing, a specific model, etc. And that's ok :) So I just really want you guys to
understand why this is happening.

The site will remain active, you will still be able to come back anytime are re-join to download more stuff. But since your already here; go ahead and download what you can or re-visit your favorite updates :)  Seeing the site will stay active PLEASE NOTE: YOU WILL NEED TO CANCEL TO NOT BE REBILLED! I notice a few of you already here have been recently rebilled; There will be a few more updates like the last to help make up for that. I'd also like to make something special for you all, you will be contacted about this :) I'd like to make a nice video and thank you all for supporting me as you have. I'd also like to offer a discount  to you all for my onlyfans, which is a price lower than here, but is where cell phone produced content and the like is expected. I feel horrible charging you guys so much for just a fancy onlyfans at this point. So you will also be contacted about the discount as well. I seem very happy in this posts, but it very sad to me. I have cried and feared this day for very long, but if I keep putting off I will just feel I am doing you all wrong longer, and I loose sleep at night because of things like that. I really want you all to know you mean a lot too me <3 And that I'll do anything to right a wrong if you feel you have been wronged. 

Again, you guys are literally the best, and biggest supporters in my eyes <3 I wish I could keep this going reasonably, but I won't be able to do that all on my own. If you have any questions, feel fee to contact me via the site or even email me; (you can also email if you prefer gmail contact) I know this was a very long, and not exciting blog, I just really want you all to understand, this has nothing to do with you <3 you guys are simply the best. This is all on me for not being able to produce content for you guys the way I was and not adapting to the new ways of the land. I'm still learning :) I have a free onlyfans I will link to on this blog post, so that everyone can follow me there if they'd like. You all will be contacted in regard to a discount to my premium page. Thank you for being here for me <3 
YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST <3 I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU ALL <3 I will be in contact with you shortly :) Thank you for reading this blog post :) 


Free Onlyfans: <3 Make sure to check you inbox for you Onlyfans discount offer <3
Picture from a collaboration with models Luci, Chelle & Sarah:
Luci's Onlyfans: | Snap: @luciferisdead13 | Insta: @gothhoe.666

Chelle's Onlyfans: | Snap: @michellebaby222 | Insta: @babychelle._

Sarah's Onlyfans:  | Snap: @s.aarahnova | Insta: @s.aarahnova

And make sure you've got me added as well!
My snap: @lolaxleda       My Insta: @lolaxleda      My Twitter: @lolaxleda



June, 12, 2021

Liveshows no more, but I have a solution!

June, 12, 2021

Liveshows no more, but I have a solution!

Hey guys!! Just a quick announcement! 


It came to my attention recently, trying to do a liveshow on here, that the hosting site (Modelcentro) has discontinued their service with StreamMate, so liveshows are no more here. 😫 This makes me very sad, as I loved doing shows on here, but reminded me that was why I had stopped doing them, because it wasn't working. I loved the recorded live show feature the most. Luckily the ones that are uploaded to my site aren't going anywhere. 😊


So, for now I've come up with a temporary solution. I have recently been going live on and I leave "basic/ guests" unmuted. Meaning, I don't expect you guys to go register a account and put money into it on another platform when you're already supporting me here. ❤️ You guys are the best, so I want to give everyone a chance to drop in and say hi or enjoy the show. 


Unfortunately, Myfreecams copyrights everything I do over there and I am unable to advertise directly for my website on their platform. So it's not the best solution, but for now it works. 😊 I've had members from clubnewcity even drop in and say hi! I just think it's really cool 😎 So, if you see me online feel free to pop in and say hi!! I'm usually online between 5pm EST - 8pm EST ❤️ is the link to my profile 😊


& if you're not already; follow me on Twitter, Snap & Insta to know exactly when I'm going online ❤️

🐦Twitter: @lolaxleda

👻Snap: @lola_leda

📸Insta: @lolaxleda


September, 13, 2020

There's a new bitch in town

September, 13, 2020

There's a new bitch in town

It's been a while, huh?


Been a while since we had a blog post, huh? That's okay, because this seems like the appropriate time to give you guys a little update. If you haven't noticed by now, my website has gotten a face lift! I am moving in a new direction, but still taking my "friends" and you guys along with me. Meet the new Lola Leda, a upcoming Dominatrix with a new attitude. I'm tired of taking shit from everyone! There's a new bitch in town, so get out of my way! Don't worry, I'm still the nice Lola you've grown accustomed too, but I put a muzzle on that bitch. 


As I grow into this and take my "friends" (who are now my pets) into the realms of fetishes and bdsm, you guys will get to see it all! I have a lot of great ideas and I'm honestly really excited to share them with you guys. Don't think I won't Dom you either! No one gets a pass, my pets take the punishment for you. They are well taken care of. Hopefully you have checked out the new content with my first pet, Vicky. She is such a precious, cutesy brat. 


I have also started a OnlyFans. As I'm typing this I haven't been approved yet but that won't be an issue. This will not take away focus or anything from this website! You guys deserve to be rewarded too, just like my pets. My main focus is Lolasfriends, and I think it's really starting to show. I'm glad to have the help of NCadmin along this entire journey. He is a big help with all of this! I


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